BEAUMONT, Texas – Back in our second season we crowned Willy Burger our Burger of the Season with the incredibly delicious Hee Haw Burger. Colburn McClelland was the man behind this masterful mess of meat, and is the concoctor of The Texas Bucket List Burger of the Week Christmas Edition this season with his newest Christmas creation.
“He’s been cooking up a little something special for Christmas preparation, getting ready for our big, you know, big holiday. Getting our hearts right, we’ve got to get our food right,” Colburn’s wife Angie informed us.
So what does a Christmas burger that captures the holiday spirit in our hearts look and taste like? According to Angie it’s a flavorful creation that captures the depth of the holiday season with a unique flavor profile.
“It is Colburn’s Christmas Carol. Of course, the ‘CCC.’ So, burger is, got some cornbread dressing on it, it’s got some fresh cranberries, it’s got a secret red pepper jelly, goat cheese and fresh spinach, yeah. I think it’s an interesting burger. It’s got a lot of flavor profile when you bite into it altogether,” Colburn’s wife Angie said.
Cooking the burger starts by forming a half pound patty made fresh every day. The patty is seasoned up for the holiday season, and cooked to beefy perfection. A bun is buttered and topped with the patty that is then sprinkled with goat cheese. The CCC burger is finished off with the rest of Christmas dinner, including the stuffing.
As a rich mixture of everything that puts you in the holiday spirit, this burger is sure to put the holidays in your heart.
“Kind of like an advent season. Get your heart right, get your food right. You get all the good stuff ready and so that’s what the CCC burger is. It’s all the good stuff. All the good ingredients for a good ole’ burger,” Angie said.