On this special episode of The Texas Bucket List featuring friends, new and old, hit by Hurricane Harvey, we see what it means to be Texas tough, open our hearts, and experience life in the aftermath of a disaster first hand.
First, we explore the ongoing clean up in the cities hit by the eye of Harvey, Rockport and Port Aransas. Here we find Texans from all over the state doing their part to help their neighbors get back on their feet. If this clip doesn’t make you proud to be a Texan, I don’t know what will.
Next we check in on our costal business owning friends to see how they weathered the storm and are navigating the cleanup process. To our delight, we find some already back in business, though there is still plenty of work to be done.
We close this week with a stop that’s new to us, but has been a haven for thirsty people for quite some time. Shorty’s in Port Aransas is helping keep the moral of many Texans up during the cleanup process by simply continuing to be the Shorty’s many have come to know and love. After our visit, we too realized that we had a new spot to hang our hat up and call home.
This episode leaves no doubt that Texans are strong, but also makes clear the extent of the need our friends and neighbors have thanks to Hurricane Harvey. To help our fellow Texans get back on their feet, visit the Rebuild Texas Fund at www.rebuildtx.org or the following local sites for Port Aransas www.newdayportafund.com and Rockport www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/2421485.